Tuesday, 20 October 2015

My Autumn Hairstyle's

Hey Everyone, It's Tuesday today so we know what that means, new blog post! Today I thought i would do something abit different and show you the hairstyles that use on a daily basis, What i use the hairstyle for, who/where i got the inspiration from and what types of clothes I tend to wear with the hairstyle, I thought this would be a good blog post because personally I love looking on YouTube and peoples blogs finding inspiration and ideas to do with my hair, Enjoy!

My Autumn Hairstyles!

The first hairstyle I use is called a "TopNot" this hairstyle was inspired by "Zoella" (Zoe Sugg) on YouTube she put up a video of how to do this, ( I will put the video with my links at the end of the blog) when i saw her wear it on her Instagram it look so complicated but after when she did a tutorial it was so easy, and now i tend to use it most of the time, I tend to wear it when i go to bed, or if i'm staying at home having a lazy day.

The second simple hairstyle I use is the "half up, half down" I tend to use this for school as it's so simple but yet so effective. I tend to leave my fringe hanging down because it makes it look cute when you are wearing a scarf, or even for selfies!

My third autumn hairstyle is the "Dutch braids" I also took inspiration for this look again from Zoella's Instagram and tutorial. It did look complicated at first but when you get the hang of it, it's so easy trust me! I use this look for when I want natural curls in my hair without using heat, I tend to put my hair in dutch braids after when I get out the shower so I sleep with in to have curls the next day, also when my hair isn't going right they are just quick and easy to do!

The Fourth hairstyle is "Natural Curls" these are the curls you get after when you have had the dutch braids in for a while, they give your hair the beach vibe, they look all wavy and nice. They last pretty much all day but if you have hair that makes curls drop easily like mine then I suggest you use a lot of hairspray!

 My last Autumn style is just to straighten your hair, I tend to do this with the "half up, half down" hairstyle, or even when i'm having a bad hair day, it's just quick and simple then your ready to go!

That's it for today, see you Thursday!


Zoella's Hair Tutorals:
TopNot : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEFb6SNKTzQ
Dutch Braids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CACC_A3DxLM

My Links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChloeeCrozier
Instagram: https://instagram.com/chloeecrozier/
Tumblr: http://just-ateenagerwithadream.tumblr.com/

Thursday, 15 October 2015

20 Reasons why I Love Autumn!

Hi everyone it's Chloe, it's Thursday today so that means another blog post! Just in case you didn't know i will be updating my blog every Tuesdays and Thursdays! Okay so, because on Tuesday i did the "20 Facts About Me Tag!" I thought i would do 20 reasons why I love autumn, the reason why  thought  would do this is because autumn is one of my favorite seasons along with winter. So i thought this tag would be the best way to express why I love autumn so much, would be in this tag! Enjoy!

20 Reasons Why I Love Autumn!

1) Layering my clothes is my favorite thing to do, so i'm all wrapped up and warm for when I go outside.
2) Drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream, flake and mini marshmallows on top.
3) Watching box sets and films on Netflix with my mum and family (My favorite box sets to watch on Netflix are Pretty little liars, Once upon a time, gossip girl and The Vampire Diaries)
4) More home cooked dinners like casseroles and home made soups..etc
5) Baggy Jumpers.
6) When you see colorful leaves fall from the trees.
7) That extra hour in bed when the clocks go back
8) Halloween
9) Bonfire night
10) Blankets
11) Spending time with the family more because when its autumn you don't feel the need to spend loads of time outside like you do in the summer.
12) The nice brisk/cold air you get when you walk outside at anytime of the day.
13) When mum starts lighting the candles in the evening.
14) When you get all cosy underneath a blanket and you see the flames of the candles in your living room.
15) When you can finally starts wearing gloves and scarfs.
16) Actually being excited for rainy days and foggy/misty mornings,
17) Pumpkin carving with you family or friends.
18) The trees start to look pretty.
19) X - Factor comes on the TV and you know that i'm a celebrity isn't that far behind!
20) Knowing that winter and Christmas are just around the corner!!!!

See you on Tuesday!


Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChloeeCrozier
Instagram: https://instagram.com/chloeecrozier/
Tumblr: http://just-ateenagerwithadream.tumblr.com/ 

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

20 Facts About Me Tag!

Okay right so this is my first time writing a blog so you are going to have to bare with me on this..

Hello i'm Chloe Crozier, i'm 15 and i thought i should have ago at writing a blog, as i have loads of spare time on my hands, as i'm home schooled all my lessons finish in the morning so i'm stuck bored for the rest of the day, and i just thought "Hey, why not lets wright a blog and see how this goes". I'm just going to say i have no idea what this blog is going to be about like (Fashion, Beauty...etc) i guess me and you are going to find out along the way, so i hope you enjoy reading!!

I thought it would be a good idea to the "20 Facts about me Tag" first so you can get to know me, Here it goes!

1) I was born in the year 1999
2) I was born on the 26th of December 1999
3) I'm a Capricorn (have no idea what it means)
4) i have 5 brothers and one sister (4 brothers on my dads side, and a brother and sister on my mums side and my mum and dad separated when i was 4 and a Half) 
5) I have anxiety, so i had to leave mainstream school beginning of year 10, to be home schooled and on a Thursday and Friday i go to a school with 6 other students who also have anxiety, which i'm hoping to build up more days soon!
6) My favorite colour is purple. 
7) I have an iphone 6 in gold.
8) I have 3 cats called Poppy, Tigi & Alfie.
9) I love watching Youtubers like Zoella, Pointlessblog, Thatcher Joe, Caspar Lee, Jim Chmapan, Tanya Burr etc....
10) I love to street dance.
11) I get easily confused.
12) I'm shy untill you get to know me.
13) I have brown hair.
14) I have Hazel eyes.
15) My mum and my family are my world.
16) i'm an apple person, can't get along with samsung and android.
17) i'm addicted to Social media (links will be down below)
18) i don't make promises i can't keep ( when i make a promise i keep it)
19) Yes i've done stuff that im not proud of ( maybe that can be another blog another time ;) )
20) But i love being me and if people don't like it they know where the door is ;)

I will be updating my blogs Tusdays and Thrusday! So see you on Thursday!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChloeeCrozier
Instagram: https://instagram.com/chloeecrozier/
Tumblr: http://just-ateenagerwithadream.tumblr.com/