Thursday, 3 December 2015

I'm Sorry/Update On What's Been Happening


Hey Everyone I know this blog post is so overdue and the last time I uploaded was in October I think, my life has been hetic, I got a boyfriend so that takes a lot of time, I go to school full time that happened in the last month. I think that happened because my boyfriend goes to the same school as me and he made me feel so comfortable even before we were going out. We went out on the 31/10/15 and I started the school I went too near the end of September. Soo that's a big Improvement!

Also what's been taking up a lot of my time is because it's Christmas this month and also my birthday which is on Boxing Day, Which I'm so excited about! So Christmas shopping too and seeing family is taking up all of my time too. I'm hoping to get enough money for Christmas and my birthday so I can get a Mac book so more blog post on the future hopefully!

I do want to say a massive sorry, for the long overdue post, as you now know that my life has been so hetic and I've been so busy. 

I'm so sorry once again!

